Meet Some of Our Families

“Feeling alone and confused when we received our child’s diagnosis, I knew I never wanted anyone else to feel the way we felt. So, I started “Beau’s Baskets”, as a way to help new families and to share the joy of their new child.  Soon I partnered with Ds Connections Nw and knew we were a great addition to the organization and together made a perfect fit!”

Alaina Stevenson, Liberty Lake

“Ds Connections Nw has supported my family by providing friendships, resources, education, advocacy and lots of fun! After two years of driving 4 hours to and from Pullman, I knew there was a need to bring Ds Connections closer to home. I am proud to be part of the team in establishing a Ds Connections Nw “Quad City” extension and am proud to offer the same great support to other families in our local community.”

Megan Yen, Lewiston

“Ds Connections has been wonderful to my family and I. I love this group and everyone in it. The Step UP for Down syndrome Walk is my favorite fund raiser and I am proud to be a part of the event. I love to see family and friends come out to support my sweet Carson. It’s wonderful! I feel lucky and blessed to have a son with Down syndrome!”

Jenny, Coeur d’Alene

“I’ve made several connections to parents with infants who have Down syndrome in our area, as well as contacts with other families who live in nearby towns. I truly believe the gift of our son is not just for my own joy but, that I’ve been given an opportunity to be a spokesperson, advocate and friend to other families, neighbors and the community at-large.”

Jenna, Spokane

Connect With US

If this is a urgent request for help, call our “1st Call” hotline toll free @ 877-733-3955

Information you provide is for the sole purpose of contact with  Ds Connections Northwest
and will never be used or shared without your written consent.

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