Ds Connections Nw Programs

Beau’s Baskets

When a new child with a Down syndrome diagnosis is born: Beau’s Baskets outreach program delivers a warm gift coupled with helpful information and resources—as well as a heartfelt message of congratulations and encouragement to parents and families.

  • Delivery to Hospital or Home
  • Contact: Amanda Kazda

Critical Care Assistance

Critical Care Assistance is a practical way for Ds Connections to support individuals with Down syndrome and their families as they face hospitalizations, death/loss, NICU stays and other difficult situations. Gift cards, meals, balloons, stuffed animals and gift baskets are just a few of the ways Critical Care Assistance has stepped in to bring some cheer or help. If you know of an individual with Down syndrome or a family in our area that could use some Critical Care Assistance, please contact us.

“Welcome to the Area”

Providing  a “Welcome” gift tote to families new to the greater Spokane/C d’A area and “Quad City” area. Our goal is to get you connected with new friends and to provide you with resources right away as a small gesture of welcome to our community!

Family Resource & Education

Providing scholarships to families to attend conferences, seminars, or trainings related to Down syndrome or grants to purchase necessary medical, therapeutic, or other similar equipment for use by a family member with Down syndrome. Ds Connections Nw relies on volunteers to carry out its mission, so in return we ask that volunteer hours be completed when possible if receiving a Family Resource Link scholarship or grant.

Community Resource & Education

Providing resources, educational materials, books, or equipment to be used in community or educational settings or schools to benefit individuals with Down syndrome. Some examples of past projects include:

  • Books about Down syndrome delivered to area schools to have in their libraries.
  • Specialized P.E. equipment purchased to be used primarily by people with Down syndrome (and other individuals requiring adaptations) to assist in creating inclusive learning environments.

If your community center or school has a need or idea that we might be able to help with, please contact us to discuss options for filling that need.

Education for Medical Professionals

Providing an opportunity for medical professionals to meet with a trained member from Ds Connections Nw to discuss and learn about topics, and research important to the Ds Community. This might include how to deliver a Ds diagnosis, or similar topics.

Connect With US

If this is a urgent request for help, call our “1st Call” hotline toll free @ 877-733-3955

Information you provide is for the sole purpose of contact with  Ds Connections Northwest
and will never be used or shared without your written consent.

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